Create onchain communities with Blast

Use native yield on Blast. Ignite communities with onchain incentives. Make memes, trade ideas, and more real.

How it works

Your community on Blast, in three steps

Set Up
Choose a community name and select Blast as your chain
Find Members
invite friends, gate access with Tokens, and share via your networks
Fund Community
YIeld on Blast

1. Gain XP on your Blast ETH

Deposit into a community bonding curve to power a treasury.

Each deposit earns XP that powers your upvotes with a 5% community and 5% platform fee on each deposit.

Coming Soon

2. Earn Rewards via Contests

Create threads and vote for the best content using your XP.

The top post of the week earns the earned deposit fees and native yield--80% to the author and 20% to upvoters.

Coming soon

3. Restake your ETH, fee free for extra XP

Instead of a 5% deposit fee, deposit your ETH into a restaking contract. Deposits earn XP directly with no loss.


We simplify how ideas come to life. Common turns thoughts into actions.

When you bring ideas onchain, nothing is too early or too big. Create onchain together.